A joint project by two artists from Europe Aleksandra Ana Mikarić and South America Fabricio Lara, combines their painting skills and draws aesthetic comparisons between early art and pottery from the archaeological sites of Tihawanaku, Vinča, and Lepenski Vir. The goal is to highlight the aesthetic similarities of these civilizations’ art, which preceded the peoples we are today, on two different continents and across different eras.
The project consists of a collaborative painting effort, where each artist will depict figurines and symbols found at the archaeological sites of their respective countries, coordinating, consulting, and harmonizing their styles and painting techniques on canvas.
This form of collaboration between two artists from two different continents and cultures, who have combined their work on the same canvas in an alternating, shared process around very similar themes, is something we believe has not been seen before.
To ensure historical accuracy, the artists visit archaeological sites, prepare their work using specialist literature, and consult with experts in archaeology. The materials they select are animated and inspired by original pieces from National Museums and archaeological sites.
The aim of the project is to emphasize the cultural heritage, national treasures, and great historical significance these continents possess.
The project includes 10 collaborative works measuring 150×100 cm, a joint mural measuring 3× 150cm×2m, and each artist will independently present 5 to 10 paintings on the same theme for this project.